Revonzy Mini Shell
# $Id:,v 1.3 2006/01/28 04:19:30 tavis_rudd Exp $
Cache holder classes for Cheetah:
Cache regions are defined using the #cache Cheetah directive. Each
cache region can be viewed as a dictionary (keyed by cacheRegionID)
handling at least one cache item (the default one). It's possible to add
cacheItems in a region by using the `varyBy` #cache directive parameter as
in the following example::
#def getArticle
this is the article content.
#end def
#cache varyBy=$getArticleID()
#end cache
The code above will generate a CacheRegion and add new cacheItem for each value
of $getArticleID().
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
import time
import Cheetah.CacheStore
class CacheItem(object):
A CacheItem is a container storing:
- cacheID (string)
- refreshTime (timestamp or None) : last time the cache was refreshed
- data (string) : the content of the cache
def __init__(self, cacheItemID, cacheStore):
self._cacheItemID = cacheItemID
self._cacheStore = cacheStore
self._refreshTime = None
self._expiryTime = 0
def hasExpired(self):
return (self._expiryTime and time.time() > self._expiryTime)
def setExpiryTime(self, time):
self._expiryTime = time
def getExpiryTime(self):
return self._expiryTime
def setData(self, data):
self._refreshTime = time.time()
self._cacheStore.set(self._cacheItemID, data, self._expiryTime)
def getRefreshTime(self):
return self._refreshTime
def getData(self):
assert self._refreshTime
return self._cacheStore.get(self._cacheItemID)
def renderOutput(self):
"""Can be overridden to implement edge-caching"""
return self.getData() or ""
def clear(self):
self._refreshTime = None
class _CacheDataStoreWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, dataStore, keyPrefix):
self._dataStore = dataStore
self._keyPrefix = keyPrefix
def get(self, key):
return self._dataStore.get(self._keyPrefix+key)
def delete(self, key):
def set(self, key, val, time=0):
self._dataStore.set(self._keyPrefix+key, val, time=time)
class CacheRegion(object):
A `CacheRegion` stores some `CacheItem` instances.
This implementation stores the data in the memory of the current process.
If you need a more advanced data store, create a cacheStore class that works
with Cheetah's CacheStore protocol and provide it as the cacheStore argument
to __init__. For example you could use
Cheetah.CacheStore.MemcachedCacheStore, a wrapper around the Python
memcached API (
_cacheItemClass = CacheItem
def __init__(self, regionID, templateCacheIdPrefix='', cacheStore=None):
self._isNew = True
self._regionID = regionID
self._templateCacheIdPrefix = templateCacheIdPrefix
if not cacheStore:
cacheStore = Cheetah.CacheStore.MemoryCacheStore()
self._cacheStore = cacheStore
self._wrappedCacheDataStore = _CacheDataStoreWrapper(
cacheStore, keyPrefix=templateCacheIdPrefix+':'+regionID+':')
self._cacheItems = {}
def isNew(self):
return self._isNew
def clear(self):
" drop all the caches stored in this cache region "
for cacheItemId in self._cacheItems.keys():
cacheItem = self._cacheItems[cacheItemId]
del self._cacheItems[cacheItemId]
def getCacheItem(self, cacheItemID):
""" Lazy access to a cacheItem
Try to find a cache in the stored caches. If it doesn't
exist, it's created.
Returns a `CacheItem` instance.
cacheItemID = md5(str(cacheItemID)).hexdigest()
if cacheItemID not in self._cacheItems:
cacheItem = self._cacheItemClass(
cacheItemID=cacheItemID, cacheStore=self._wrappedCacheDataStore)
self._cacheItems[cacheItemID] = cacheItem
self._isNew = False
return self._cacheItems[cacheItemID]
Revonzy Mini Shell