Revonzy Mini Shell

Şuanki Dizin: /lib64/python2.7/site-packages/Cheetah/Templates/
Dosya Yükle :
Şuanki Dosya : //lib64/python2.7/site-packages/Cheetah/Templates/

# $Id:,v 1.13 2002/10/01 17:52:02 tavis_rudd Exp $
"""A baseclass for the SkeletonPage template

Author: Tavis Rudd <>,
Version: $Revision: 1.13 $
Start Date: 2001/04/05
Last Revision Date: $Date: 2002/10/01 17:52:02 $
__author__ = "Tavis Rudd <>"
__revision__ = "$Revision: 1.13 $"[11:-2]


import time, types, os, sys

# intra-package imports ...
from Cheetah.Template import Template


True = (1==1)
False = (0==1)

class _SkeletonPage(Template):
    """A baseclass for the SkeletonPage template"""

    docType = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ' + \
    # docType = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ' + \
    title = ''
    siteDomainName = ''
    siteCredits = 'Designed & Implemented by Tavis Rudd'
    siteCopyrightName = "Tavis Rudd"
    htmlTag = '<html>'
    def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):
        Template.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
        self._metaTags = {'HTTP-EQUIV':{'keywords': 'Cheetah',
                                        'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1',
                    'NAME':{'generator':'Cheetah: The Python-Powered Template Engine'}
        # metaTags = {'HTTP_EQUIV':{'test':1234}, 'NAME':{'test':1234,'test2':1234} }
        self._stylesheets = {}
        # stylesheets = {'.cssClassName':'stylesheetCode'}
        self._stylesheetsOrder = []
        # stylesheetsOrder = ['.cssClassName',]
        self._stylesheetLibs = {}
        # stylesheetLibs = {'libName':'libSrcPath'}
        self._javascriptLibs = {}
        self._javascriptTags = {}
        # self._javascriptLibs = {'libName':'libSrcPath'}
        self._bodyTagAttribs = {}

    def metaTags(self):
        """Return a formatted vesion of the self._metaTags dictionary, using the
        formatMetaTags function from Cheetah.Macros.HTML"""
        return self.formatMetaTags(self._metaTags)
    def stylesheetTags(self):
        """Return a formatted version of the self._stylesheetLibs and
        self._stylesheets dictionaries.  The keys in self._stylesheets must
        be listed in the order that they should appear in the list
        self._stylesheetsOrder, to ensure that the style rules are defined in
        the correct order."""
        stylesheetTagsTxt = ''
        for title, src in self._stylesheetLibs.items():
            stylesheetTagsTxt += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + str(src) + '" />\n'

        if not self._stylesheetsOrder:
            return stylesheetTagsTxt
        stylesheetTagsTxt += '<style type="text/css"><!--\n'
        for identifier in self._stylesheetsOrder:
            if identifier not in self._stylesheets:
                warning = '# the identifier ' + identifier + \
                          'was in stylesheetsOrder, but not in stylesheets'
                stylesheetTagsTxt += warning
            attribsDict = self._stylesheets[identifier]
            cssCode = ''
            attribCode = ''
            for k, v in attribsDict.items():
                attribCode += str(k) + ': ' + str(v) + '; '
            attribCode = attribCode[:-2] # get rid of the last semicolon
            cssCode = '\n' + identifier + ' {' +  attribCode + '}'
            stylesheetTagsTxt += cssCode
        stylesheetTagsTxt += '\n//--></style>\n'

        return stylesheetTagsTxt

    def javascriptTags(self):
        """Return a formatted version of the javascriptTags and
        javascriptLibs dictionaries.  Each value in javascriptTags
        should be a either a code string to include, or a list containing the
        JavaScript version number and the code string. The keys can be anything.
        The same applies for javascriptLibs, but the string should be the
        SRC filename rather than a code string."""
        javascriptTagsTxt = []
        for key, details in self._javascriptTags.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(details, (list, tuple)):
                details = ['', details]
            javascriptTagsTxt += ['<script language="JavaScript', str(details[0]),
                                  '" type="text/javascript"><!--\n',
                                  str(details[0]), '\n//--></script>\n']

        for key, details in self._javascriptLibs.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(details, (list, tuple)):
                details = ['', details]

            javascriptTagsTxt += ['<script language="JavaScript', str(details[0]),
                                  '" type="text/javascript" src="',
                                  str(details[1]), '" />\n']
        return ''.join(javascriptTagsTxt)
    def bodyTag(self):
        """Create a body tag from the entries in the dict bodyTagAttribs."""
        return self.formHTMLTag('body', self._bodyTagAttribs)

    def imgTag(self, src, alt='', width=None, height=None, border=0):
        """Dynamically generate an image tag.  Cheetah will try to convert the
        src argument to a WebKit serverSidePath relative to the servlet's
        location. If width and height aren't specified they are calculated using
        PIL or ImageMagick if available."""
        src = self.normalizePath(src)

        if not width or not height:
            try:                    # see if the dimensions can be calc'd with PIL
                import Image
                im =
                calcWidth, calcHeight = im.size
                del im
                if not width: width = calcWidth
                if not height: height = calcHeight

                try:                # try imageMagick instead
                    calcWidth, calcHeight = os.popen(
                        'identify -format "%w,%h" ' + src).read().split(',')
                    if not width: width = calcWidth
                    if not height: height = calcHeight
        if width and height:
            return ''.join(['<img src="', src, '" width="', str(width), '" height="', str(height),
                           '" alt="', alt, '" border="', str(border), '" />'])
        elif width:
            return ''.join(['<img src="', src, '" width="', str(width),
                           '" alt="', alt, '" border="', str(border), '" />'])
        elif height:
            return ''.join(['<img src="', src, '" height="', str(height),
                           '" alt="', alt, '" border="', str(border), '" />'])
            return ''.join(['<img src="', src, '" alt="', alt, '" border="', str(border), '" />'])

    def currentYr(self):
        """Return a string representing the current yr."""
        return time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime(time.time()))
    def currentDate(self, formatString="%b %d, %Y"):
        """Return a string representing the current localtime."""
        return time.strftime(formatString, time.localtime(time.time()))
    def spacer(self, width=1,height=1):
        return '<img src="spacer.gif" width="%s" height="%s" alt="" />'% (str(width), str(height))
    def formHTMLTag(self, tagName, attributes={}):
        """returns a string containing an HTML <tag> """
        tagTxt = ['<', tagName.lower()]
        for name, val in attributes.items():
            tagTxt += [' ', name.lower(), '="', str(val), '"']
        return ''.join(tagTxt)
    def formatMetaTags(self, metaTags):
        """format a dict of metaTag definitions into an HTML version"""
        metaTagsTxt = []
        if 'HTTP-EQUIV' in metaTags:
            for http_equiv, contents in metaTags['HTTP-EQUIV'].items():
                metaTagsTxt += ['<meta http-equiv="', str(http_equiv), '" content="',
                                str(contents), '" />\n']
        if 'NAME' in metaTags:
            for name, contents in metaTags['NAME'].items():
                metaTagsTxt += ['<meta name="', str(name), '" content="', str(contents),
                                '" />\n']
        return ''.join(metaTagsTxt)

Revonzy Mini Shell

Linux 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 21 23:36:36 UTC 2018 x86_64