Revonzy Mini Shell

Şuanki Dizin: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
Dosya Yükle :
Şuanki Dosya : //usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygments/lexers/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Lexers for functional languages.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2010 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import re

from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, bygroups, include, do_insertions
from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, \
     String, Number, Punctuation, Literal, Generic

__all__ = ['SchemeLexer', 'CommonLispLexer', 'HaskellLexer', 'LiterateHaskellLexer',
           'OcamlLexer', 'ErlangLexer', 'ErlangShellLexer']

class SchemeLexer(RegexLexer):
    A Scheme lexer, parsing a stream and outputting the tokens
    needed to highlight scheme code.
    This lexer could be most probably easily subclassed to parse
    other LISP-Dialects like Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp or AutoLisp.

    This parser is checked with pastes from the LISP pastebin
    at to cover as much syntax as possible.

    It supports the full Scheme syntax as defined in R5RS.

    *New in Pygments 0.6.*
    name = 'Scheme'
    aliases = ['scheme', 'scm']
    filenames = ['*.scm']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-scheme', 'application/x-scheme']

    # list of known keywords and builtins taken form vim 6.4 scheme.vim
    # syntax file.
    keywords = [
        'lambda', 'define', 'if', 'else', 'cond', 'and', 'or', 'case', 'let',
        'let*', 'letrec', 'begin', 'do', 'delay', 'set!', '=>', 'quote',
        'quasiquote', 'unquote', 'unquote-splicing', 'define-syntax',
        'let-syntax', 'letrec-syntax', 'syntax-rules'
    builtins = [
        '*', '+', '-', '/', '<', '<=', '=', '>', '>=', 'abs', 'acos', 'angle',
        'append', 'apply', 'asin', 'assoc', 'assq', 'assv', 'atan',
        'boolean?', 'caaaar', 'caaadr', 'caaar', 'caadar', 'caaddr', 'caadr',
        'caar', 'cadaar', 'cadadr', 'cadar', 'caddar', 'cadddr', 'caddr',
        'cadr', 'call-with-current-continuation', 'call-with-input-file',
        'call-with-output-file', 'call-with-values', 'call/cc', 'car',
        'cdaaar', 'cdaadr', 'cdaar', 'cdadar', 'cdaddr', 'cdadr', 'cdar',
        'cddaar', 'cddadr', 'cddar', 'cdddar', 'cddddr', 'cdddr', 'cddr',
        'cdr', 'ceiling', 'char->integer', 'char-alphabetic?', 'char-ci<=?',
        'char-ci<?', 'char-ci=?', 'char-ci>=?', 'char-ci>?', 'char-downcase',
        'char-lower-case?', 'char-numeric?', 'char-ready?', 'char-upcase',
        'char-upper-case?', 'char-whitespace?', 'char<=?', 'char<?', 'char=?',
        'char>=?', 'char>?', 'char?', 'close-input-port', 'close-output-port',
        'complex?', 'cons', 'cos', 'current-input-port', 'current-output-port',
        'denominator', 'display', 'dynamic-wind', 'eof-object?', 'eq?',
        'equal?', 'eqv?', 'eval', 'even?', 'exact->inexact', 'exact?', 'exp',
        'expt', 'floor', 'for-each', 'force', 'gcd', 'imag-part',
        'inexact->exact', 'inexact?', 'input-port?', 'integer->char',
        'integer?', 'interaction-environment', 'lcm', 'length', 'list',
        'list->string', 'list->vector', 'list-ref', 'list-tail', 'list?',
        'load', 'log', 'magnitude', 'make-polar', 'make-rectangular',
        'make-string', 'make-vector', 'map', 'max', 'member', 'memq', 'memv',
        'min', 'modulo', 'negative?', 'newline', 'not', 'null-environment',
        'null?', 'number->string', 'number?', 'numerator', 'odd?',
        'open-input-file', 'open-output-file', 'output-port?', 'pair?',
        'peek-char', 'port?', 'positive?', 'procedure?', 'quotient',
        'rational?', 'rationalize', 'read', 'read-char', 'real-part', 'real?',
        'remainder', 'reverse', 'round', 'scheme-report-environment',
        'set-car!', 'set-cdr!', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'string', 'string->list',
        'string->number', 'string->symbol', 'string-append', 'string-ci<=?',
        'string-ci<?', 'string-ci=?', 'string-ci>=?', 'string-ci>?',
        'string-copy', 'string-fill!', 'string-length', 'string-ref',
        'string-set!', 'string<=?', 'string<?', 'string=?', 'string>=?',
        'string>?', 'string?', 'substring', 'symbol->string', 'symbol?',
        'tan', 'transcript-off', 'transcript-on', 'truncate', 'values',
        'vector', 'vector->list', 'vector-fill!', 'vector-length',
        'vector-ref', 'vector-set!', 'vector?', 'with-input-from-file',
        'with-output-to-file', 'write', 'write-char', 'zero?'

    # valid names for identifiers
    # well, names can only not consist fully of numbers
    # but this should be good enough for now
    valid_name = r'[a-zA-Z0-9!$%&*+,/:<=>?@^_~|-]+'

    tokens = {
        'root' : [
            # the comments - always starting with semicolon
            # and going to the end of the line
            (r';.*$', Comment.Single),

            # whitespaces - usually not relevant
            (r'\s+', Text),

            # numbers
            (r'-?\d+\.\d+', Number.Float),
            (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
            # support for uncommon kinds of numbers -
            # have to figure out what the characters mean
            #(r'(#e|#i|#b|#o|#d|#x)[\d.]+', Number),

            # strings, symbols and characters
            (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String),
            (r"'" + valid_name, String.Symbol),
            (r"#\\([()/'\".'_!§$%& ?=+-]{1}|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", String.Char),

            # constants
            (r'(#t|#f)', Name.Constant),

            # special operators
            (r"('|#|`|,@|,|\.)", Operator),

            # highlight the keywords
            ('(%s)' % '|'.join([
                re.escape(entry) + ' ' for entry in keywords]),

            # first variable in a quoted string like
            # '(this is syntactic sugar)
            (r"(?<='\()" + valid_name, Name.Variable),
            (r"(?<=#\()" + valid_name, Name.Variable),

            # highlight the builtins
            ("(?<=\()(%s)" % '|'.join([
                re.escape(entry) + ' ' for entry in builtins]),

            # the remaining functions
            (r'(?<=\()' + valid_name, Name.Function),
            # find the remaining variables
            (valid_name, Name.Variable),

            # the famous parentheses!
            (r'(\(|\))', Punctuation),

class CommonLispLexer(RegexLexer):
    A Common Lisp lexer.

    *New in Pygments 0.9.*
    name = 'Common Lisp'
    aliases = ['common-lisp', 'cl']
    filenames = ['*.cl', '*.lisp', '*.el']  # use for Elisp too
    mimetypes = ['text/x-common-lisp']

    flags = re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE

    ### couple of useful regexes

    # characters that are not macro-characters and can be used to begin a symbol
    nonmacro = r'\\.|[a-zA-Z0-9!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^_{}~]'
    constituent = nonmacro + '|[#.:]'
    terminated = r'(?=[ "()\'\n,;`])' # whitespace or terminating macro characters

    ### symbol token, reverse-engineered from hyperspec
    # Take a deep breath...
    symbol = r'(\|[^|]+\||(?:%s)(?:%s)*)' % (nonmacro, constituent)

    def __init__(self, **options):
        from pygments.lexers._clbuiltins import BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS, \
        self.builtin_function = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS
        self.special_forms = SPECIAL_FORMS
        self.macros = MACROS
        self.lambda_list_keywords = LAMBDA_LIST_KEYWORDS
        self.declarations = DECLARATIONS
        self.builtin_types = BUILTIN_TYPES
        self.builtin_classes = BUILTIN_CLASSES
        RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)

    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
        stack = ['root']
        for index, token, value in RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack):
            if token is Name.Variable:
                if value in self.builtin_function:
                    yield index, Name.Builtin, value
                if value in self.special_forms:
                    yield index, Keyword, value
                if value in self.macros:
                    yield index, Name.Builtin, value
                if value in self.lambda_list_keywords:
                    yield index, Keyword, value
                if value in self.declarations:
                    yield index, Keyword, value
                if value in self.builtin_types:
                    yield index, Keyword.Type, value
                if value in self.builtin_classes:
                    yield index, Name.Class, value
            yield index, token, value

    tokens = {
        'root' : [
            ('', Text, 'body'),
        'multiline-comment' : [
            (r'#\|', Comment.Multiline, '#push'), # (cf. Hyperspec
            (r'\|#', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
            (r'[^|#]+', Comment.Multiline),
            (r'[|#]', Comment.Multiline),
        'commented-form' : [
            (r'\(', Comment.Preproc, '#push'),
            (r'\)', Comment.Preproc, '#pop'),
            (r'[^()]+', Comment.Preproc),
        'body' : [
            # whitespace
            (r'\s+', Text),

            # single-line comment
            (r';.*$', Comment.Single),

            # multi-line comment
            (r'#\|', Comment.Multiline, 'multiline-comment'),

            # encoding comment (?)
            (r'#\d*Y.*$', Comment.Special),

            # strings and characters
            (r'"(\\.|[^"\\])*"', String),
            # quoting
            (r":" + symbol, String.Symbol),
            (r"'" + symbol, String.Symbol),
            (r"'", Operator),
            (r"`", Operator),

            # decimal numbers
            (r'[-+]?\d+\.?' + terminated, Number.Integer),
            (r'[-+]?\d+/\d+' + terminated, Number),
            (r'[-+]?(\d*\.\d+([defls][-+]?\d+)?|\d+(\.\d*)?[defls][-+]?\d+)' \
                + terminated, Number.Float),

            # sharpsign strings and characters
            (r"#\\." + terminated, String.Char),
            (r"#\\" + symbol, String.Char),

            # vector
            (r'#\(', Operator, 'body'),

            # bitstring
            (r'#\d*\*[01]*', Literal.Other),

            # uninterned symbol
            (r'#:' + symbol, String.Symbol),

            # read-time and load-time evaluation
            (r'#[.,]', Operator),

            # function shorthand
            (r'#\'', Name.Function),

            # binary rational
            (r'#[bB][+-]?[01]+(/[01]+)?', Number),

            # octal rational
            (r'#[oO][+-]?[0-7]+(/[0-7]+)?', Number.Oct),

            # hex rational
            (r'#[xX][+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]+(/[0-9a-fA-F]+)?', Number.Hex),

            # radix rational
            (r'#\d+[rR][+-]?[0-9a-zA-Z]+(/[0-9a-zA-Z]+)?', Number),

            # complex
            (r'(#[cC])(\()', bygroups(Number, Punctuation), 'body'),

            # array
            (r'(#\d+[aA])(\()', bygroups(Literal.Other, Punctuation), 'body'),

            # structure
            (r'(#[sS])(\()', bygroups(Literal.Other, Punctuation), 'body'),

            # path
            (r'#[pP]?"(\\.|[^"])*"', Literal.Other),

            # reference
            (r'#\d+=', Operator),
            (r'#\d+#', Operator),

            # read-time comment
            (r'#+nil' + terminated + '\s*\(', Comment.Preproc, 'commented-form'),

            # read-time conditional
            (r'#[+-]', Operator),

            # special operators that should have been parsed already
            (r'(,@|,|\.)', Operator),

            # special constants
            (r'(t|nil)' + terminated, Name.Constant),

            # functions and variables
            (r'\*' + symbol + '\*', Name.Variable.Global),
            (symbol, Name.Variable),

            # parentheses
            (r'\(', Punctuation, 'body'),
            (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),

class HaskellLexer(RegexLexer):
    A Haskell lexer based on the lexemes defined in the Haskell 98 Report.

    *New in Pygments 0.8.*
    name = 'Haskell'
    aliases = ['haskell', 'hs']
    filenames = ['*.hs']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-haskell']

    reserved = ['case','class','data','default','deriving','do','else',
    ascii = ['NUL','SOH','[SE]TX','EOT','ENQ','ACK',

    tokens = {
        'root': [
            # Whitespace:
            (r'\s+', Text),
            #(r'--\s*|.*$', Comment.Doc),
            (r'--(?![!#$%&*+./<=>?@\^|_~]).*?$', Comment.Single),
            (r'{-', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
            # Lexemes:
            #  Identifiers
            (r'\bimport\b', Keyword.Reserved, 'import'),
            (r'\bmodule\b', Keyword.Reserved, 'module'),
            (r'\berror\b', Name.Exception),
            (r'\b(%s)(?!\')\b' % '|'.join(reserved), Keyword.Reserved),
            (r'^[_a-z][\w\']*', Name.Function),
            (r'[_a-z][\w\']*', Name),
            (r'[A-Z][\w\']*', Keyword.Type),
            #  Operators
            (r'\\(?![:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+)', Name.Function), # lambda operator
            (r'(<-|::|->|=>|=)(?![:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+)', Operator.Word), # specials
            (r':[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]*', Keyword.Type), # Constructor operators
            (r'[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+', Operator), # Other operators
            #  Numbers
            (r'\d+[eE][+-]?\d+', Number.Float),
            (r'\d+\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
            (r'0[oO][0-7]+', Number.Oct),
            (r'0[xX][\da-fA-F]+', Number.Hex),
            (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
            #  Character/String Literals
            (r"'", String.Char, 'character'),
            (r'"', String, 'string'),
            #  Special
            (r'\[\]', Keyword.Type),
            (r'\(\)', Name.Builtin),
            (r'[][(),;`{}]', Punctuation),
        'import': [
            # Import statements
            (r'\s+', Text),
            (r'"', String, 'string'),
            # after "funclist" state
            (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
            (r'qualified\b', Keyword),
            # import X as Y
             bygroups(Name.Namespace, Text, Keyword, Text, Name), '#pop'),
            # import X hiding (functions)
             bygroups(Name.Namespace, Text, Keyword, Text, Punctuation), 'funclist'),
            # import X (functions)
             bygroups(Name.Namespace, Text, Punctuation), 'funclist'),
            # import X
            (r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+', Name.Namespace, '#pop'),
        'module': [
            (r'\s+', Text),
             bygroups(Name.Namespace, Text, Punctuation), 'funclist'),
            (r'[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*', Name.Namespace, '#pop'),
        'funclist': [
            (r'\s+', Text),
            (r'[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Keyword.Type),
            (r'[_a-z][\w\']+', Name.Function),
            (r'--.*$', Comment.Single),
            (r'{-', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
            (r',', Punctuation),
            (r'[:!#$%&*+.\\/<=>?@^|~-]+', Operator),
            # (HACK, but it makes sense to push two instances, believe me)
            (r'\(', Punctuation, ('funclist', 'funclist')),
            (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
        'comment': [
            # Multiline Comments
            (r'[^-{}]+', Comment.Multiline),
            (r'{-', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
            (r'-}', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
            (r'[-{}]', Comment.Multiline),
        'character': [
            # Allows multi-chars, incorrectly.
            (r"[^\\']", String.Char),
            (r"\\", String.Escape, 'escape'),
            ("'", String.Char, '#pop'),
        'string': [
            (r'[^\\"]+', String),
            (r"\\", String.Escape, 'escape'),
            ('"', String, '#pop'),
        'escape': [
            (r'[abfnrtv"\'&\\]', String.Escape, '#pop'),
            (r'\^[][A-Z@\^_]', String.Escape, '#pop'),
            ('|'.join(ascii), String.Escape, '#pop'),
            (r'o[0-7]+', String.Escape, '#pop'),
            (r'x[\da-fA-F]+', String.Escape, '#pop'),
            (r'\d+', String.Escape, '#pop'),
            (r'\s+\\', String.Escape, '#pop'),

line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
bird_re = re.compile(r'(>[ \t]*)(.*\n)')

class LiterateHaskellLexer(Lexer):
    For Literate Haskell (Bird-style or LaTeX) source.

    Additional options accepted:

        If given, must be ``"bird"`` or ``"latex"``.  If not given, the style
        is autodetected: if the first non-whitespace character in the source
        is a backslash or percent character, LaTeX is assumed, else Bird.

    *New in Pygments 0.9.*
    name = 'Literate Haskell'
    aliases = ['lhs', 'literate-haskell']
    filenames = ['*.lhs']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-literate-haskell']

    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
        hslexer = HaskellLexer(**self.options)

        style = self.options.get('litstyle')
        if style is None:
            style = (text.lstrip()[0:1] in '%\\') and 'latex' or 'bird'

        code = ''
        insertions = []
        if style == 'bird':
            # bird-style
            for match in line_re.finditer(text):
                line =
                m = bird_re.match(line)
                if m:
                                       [(0, Comment.Special,]))
                    code +=
                    insertions.append((len(code), [(0, Text, line)]))
            # latex-style
            from pygments.lexers.text import TexLexer
            lxlexer = TexLexer(**self.options)

            codelines = 0
            latex = ''
            for match in line_re.finditer(text):
                line =
                if codelines:
                    if line.lstrip().startswith('\\end{code}'):
                        codelines = 0
                        latex += line
                        code += line
                elif line.lstrip().startswith('\\begin{code}'):
                    codelines = 1
                    latex += line
                    latex = ''
                    latex += line
        for item in do_insertions(insertions, hslexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)):
            yield item

class OcamlLexer(RegexLexer):
    For the OCaml language.

    *New in Pygments 0.7.*

    name = 'OCaml'
    aliases = ['ocaml']
    filenames = ['*.ml', '*.mli', '*.mll', '*.mly']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-ocaml']

    keywords = [
      'as', 'assert', 'begin', 'class', 'constraint', 'do', 'done',
      'downto', 'else', 'end', 'exception', 'external', 'false',
      'for', 'fun', 'function', 'functor', 'if', 'in', 'include',
      'inherit', 'initializer', 'lazy', 'let', 'match', 'method',
      'module', 'mutable', 'new', 'object', 'of', 'open', 'private',
      'raise', 'rec', 'sig', 'struct', 'then', 'to', 'true', 'try',
      'type', 'val', 'virtual', 'when', 'while', 'with'
    keyopts = [

    operators = r'[!$%&*+\./:<=>?@^|~-]'
    word_operators = ['and', 'asr', 'land', 'lor', 'lsl', 'lxor', 'mod', 'or']
    prefix_syms = r'[!?~]'
    infix_syms = r'[=<>@^|&+\*/$%-]'
    primitives = ['unit', 'int', 'float', 'bool', 'string', 'char', 'list', 'array']

    tokens = {
        'escape-sequence': [
            (r'\\[\\\"\'ntbr]', String.Escape),
            (r'\\[0-9]{3}', String.Escape),
            (r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}', String.Escape),
        'root': [
            (r'\s+', Text),
            (r'false|true|\(\)|\[\]', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
             Name.Namespace, 'dotted'),
            (r'\b([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_\']*)', Name.Class),
            (r'\(\*', Comment, 'comment'),
            (r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(keywords), Keyword),
            (r'(%s)' % '|'.join(keyopts), Operator),
            (r'(%s|%s)?%s' % (infix_syms, prefix_syms, operators), Operator),
            (r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(word_operators), Operator.Word),
            (r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(primitives), Keyword.Type),

            (r"[^\W\d][\w']*", Name),

            (r'\d[\d_]*', Number.Integer),
            (r'0[xX][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*', Number.Hex),
            (r'0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*', Number.Oct),
            (r'0[bB][01][01_]*', Number.Binary),
            (r'-?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?([eE][+\-]?\d[\d_]*)', Number.Float),

            (r"'(?:(\\[\\\"'ntbr ])|(\\[0-9]{3})|(\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}))'",
            (r"'.'", String.Char),
            (r"'", Keyword), # a stray quote is another syntax element

            (r'"', String.Double, 'string'),

            (r'[~?][a-z][\w\']*:', Name.Variable),
        'comment': [
            (r'[^(*)]+', Comment),
            (r'\(\*', Comment, '#push'),
            (r'\*\)', Comment, '#pop'),
            (r'[(*)]', Comment),
        'string': [
            (r'[^\\"]+', String.Double),
            (r'\\\n', String.Double),
            (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
        'dotted': [
            (r'\s+', Text),
            (r'\.', Punctuation),
            (r'[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_\']*(?=\s*\.)', Name.Namespace),
            (r'[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_\']*', Name.Class, '#pop'),
            (r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\']*', Name, '#pop'),

class ErlangLexer(RegexLexer):
    For the Erlang functional programming language.

    Blame Jeremy Thurgood (

    *New in Pygments 0.9.*

    name = 'Erlang'
    aliases = ['erlang']
    filenames = ['*.erl', '*.hrl']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-erlang']

    keywords = [
        'after', 'begin', 'case', 'catch', 'cond', 'end', 'fun', 'if',
        'let', 'of', 'query', 'receive', 'try', 'when',

    builtins = [ # See erlang(3) man page
        'abs', 'append_element', 'apply', 'atom_to_list', 'binary_to_list',
        'bitstring_to_list', 'binary_to_term', 'bit_size', 'bump_reductions',
        'byte_size', 'cancel_timer', 'check_process_code', 'delete_module',
        'demonitor', 'disconnect_node', 'display', 'element', 'erase', 'exit',
        'float', 'float_to_list', 'fun_info', 'fun_to_list',
        'function_exported', 'garbage_collect', 'get', 'get_keys',
        'group_leader', 'hash', 'hd', 'integer_to_list', 'iolist_to_binary',
        'iolist_size', 'is_atom', 'is_binary', 'is_bitstring', 'is_boolean',
        'is_builtin', 'is_float', 'is_function', 'is_integer', 'is_list',
        'is_number', 'is_pid', 'is_port', 'is_process_alive', 'is_record',
        'is_reference', 'is_tuple', 'length', 'link', 'list_to_atom',
        'list_to_binary', 'list_to_bitstring', 'list_to_existing_atom',
        'list_to_float', 'list_to_integer', 'list_to_pid', 'list_to_tuple',
        'load_module', 'localtime_to_universaltime', 'make_tuple', 'md5',
        'md5_final', 'md5_update', 'memory', 'module_loaded', 'monitor',
        'monitor_node', 'node', 'nodes', 'open_port', 'phash', 'phash2',
        'pid_to_list', 'port_close', 'port_command', 'port_connect',
        'port_control', 'port_call', 'port_info', 'port_to_list',
        'process_display', 'process_flag', 'process_info', 'purge_module',
        'put', 'read_timer', 'ref_to_list', 'register', 'resume_process',
        'round', 'send', 'send_after', 'send_nosuspend', 'set_cookie',
        'setelement', 'size', 'spawn', 'spawn_link', 'spawn_monitor',
        'spawn_opt', 'split_binary', 'start_timer', 'statistics',
        'suspend_process', 'system_flag', 'system_info', 'system_monitor',
        'system_profile', 'term_to_binary', 'tl', 'trace', 'trace_delivered',
        'trace_info', 'trace_pattern', 'trunc', 'tuple_size', 'tuple_to_list',
        'universaltime_to_localtime', 'unlink', 'unregister', 'whereis'

    operators = r'(\+|-|\*|/|<|>|=|==|/=|=:=|=/=|=<|>=|\+\+|--|<-|!)'
    word_operators = [
        'and', 'andalso', 'band', 'bnot', 'bor', 'bsl', 'bsr', 'bxor',
        'div', 'not', 'or', 'orelse', 'rem', 'xor'

    atom_re = r"(?:[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|'[^\n']*[^\\]')"

    variable_re = r'(?:[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)'

    escape_re = r'(?:\\(?:[bdefnrstv\'"\\/]|[0-7][0-7]?[0-7]?|\^[a-zA-Z]))'

    macro_re = r'(?:'+variable_re+r'|'+atom_re+r')'

    base_re = r'(?:[2-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-6])'

    tokens = {
        'root': [
            (r'\s+', Text),
            (r'%.*\n', Comment),
            ('(' + '|'.join(keywords) + r')\b', Keyword),
            ('(' + '|'.join(builtins) + r')\b', Name.Builtin),
            ('(' + '|'.join(word_operators) + r')\b', Operator.Word),
            (r'^-', Punctuation, 'directive'),
            (operators, Operator),
            (r'"', String, 'string'),
            (r'<<', Name.Label),
            (r'>>', Name.Label),
            (r'('+atom_re+')(:)', bygroups(Name.Namespace, Punctuation)),
            (r'^('+atom_re+r')(\s*)(\()', bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)),
            (r'[+-]?'+base_re+r'#[0-9a-zA-Z]+', Number.Integer),
            (r'[+-]?\d+', Number.Integer),
            (r'[+-]?\d+.\d+', Number.Float),
            (r'[]\[:_@\".{}()|;,]', Punctuation),
            (variable_re, Name.Variable),
            (atom_re, Name),
            (r'\?'+macro_re, Name.Constant),
            (r'\$(?:'+escape_re+r'|\\[ %]|[^\\])', String.Char),
            (r'#'+atom_re+r'(:?\.'+atom_re+r')?', Name.Label),
        'string': [
            (escape_re, String.Escape),
            (r'"', String, '#pop'),
            (r'~[0-9.*]*[~#+bBcdefginpPswWxX]', String.Interpol),
            (r'[^"\\~]+', String),
            (r'~', String),
        'directive': [
             bygroups(Name.Entity, Text, Punctuation, Name.Constant), '#pop'),
             bygroups(Name.Entity, Text, Punctuation, Name.Label), '#pop'),
            (atom_re, Name.Entity, '#pop'),

class ErlangShellLexer(Lexer):
    Shell sessions in erl (for Erlang code).

    *New in Pygments 1.1.*
    name = 'Erlang erl session'
    aliases = ['erl']
    filenames = ['*.erl-sh']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-erl-shellsession']

    _prompt_re = re.compile(r'\d+>(?=\s|\Z)')

    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
        erlexer = ErlangLexer(**self.options)

        curcode = ''
        insertions = []
        for match in line_re.finditer(text):
            line =
            m = self._prompt_re.match(line)
            if m is not None:
                end = m.end()
                                   [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:end])]))
                curcode += line[end:]
                if curcode:
                    for item in do_insertions(insertions,
                        yield item
                    curcode = ''
                    insertions = []
                if line.startswith('*'):
                    yield match.start(), Generic.Traceback, line
                    yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
        if curcode:
            for item in do_insertions(insertions,
                yield item

Revonzy Mini Shell

Linux 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 21 23:36:36 UTC 2018 x86_64